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plucas's News

Posted by plucas - December 24th, 2021

Been a while since I've done one of these. As some may already know, I am a big animation buff, and once in a while I give my thoughts on recent animation projects I may have seen. So here goes!


The most recent animated feature offering from Disney, released to streaming right on Christmas Eve.

The family of a tragic matriarch in Columbia is blessed with magic, except for one granddaughter, Mirabel, who is just a normal human. Despite earning the disdain from a good portion of her family, Mirabel seems to be the one to save the family 'miracle' or may doom them all.

This movie is a pure delight. It an animated movie from Disney with songs by Lin Manuel Miranda. How could that go wrong? Visually, it's just stunning, with a bright and brilliant color palette, super-fluid quality animation, and lots of amazing visual designs and staging. In terms of sheer spectacle this is Disney animation at the top of its form.

Storywise it's also very strong, but maybe not at the level or emotional depth of say something like Coco or Wolfwalkers. I don't think it's designed to be, given how fluidly non-diegetic a lot of the singing and dancing numbers are. There's always a trade off with doing that. On one hand, it allows you to stage some amazing visual and audial spectacles that can wow the audience. On the other, doing so tends to lose a good portion of the verisimilitude, which can take away form a potential emotional impact. But I think it was tending more toward the lighter end of the emotional storytelling spectrum, and succeeds in still telling a compelling story. Definitely worth seeing.

And we don't talk about Bruno!


A great little surprise that seemed to come out of nowhere from Netflix, this is a ten-episode comedy series about, well, Dogs in space. The backstory is that Earth is dying from environmental neglect, so scientists genetically modified a few hundred dogs to be human-like and sent them into space in a town-sized starship to explore and seek out a new home for Earth's creatures. The series focuses around the usual band of sad-sack misfits who must figure out how to work together as a crew on one of the explorer subcraft.

Do you like light scifi adventure, a new spin on the Star Trek formula, and lots and lots of dog-based puns? Then you'll like Dogs In Space. The humor is usually not belly-busting, but each episode did leave me smiling throughout. The characters are quirky and actually very likable, even the kind-of villains, and you do feel for them. Apparently all the dogs were pets at one point, and even after a few years on the ship they still very much love their human owners and miss them dearly. This leads to some poignant plot lines among the hijinx, particularly since they haven't heard from Earth in all that time. Here's hoping we see a second season, as this series definitely deserves to keep going.


Speaking of a new spin on the Star Trek formula, we have this new animated half-hour Star Trek series aimed squarely at a younger crowd, airing on Nickelodeon. Teen-age prisoners from a diverse number of species are trapped on a slave colony in an unknown section of the galaxy. An opportunity for escape comes when they stumble upon the apparently abandoned Federation starship the USS Protostar buried in a cave. A harrowing chase ensues across light years as they're hunted by their former captors.

This is as major a departure from the usual Star Trek fare as Lower Decks was, but in a completely different way. In fact, in many ways, it feels more like a Star Wars animated series than a Star Trek show, but given the show's quality so far that's not a bad thing. In fact, the central premise seems to be, 'what if Star Wars characters discovered a Star Trek ship?' And it is interesting seeing that instead of a Federation crew chasing after a MacGuffin, the Federation actually IS the MacGuffin here, as the kids try to figure out this alien, ultra-tech ship while fleeing for their lives, with the vague promise of the Federation, out there somewhere, that may provide them with a safe haven.

Visually, it's very well done, with good but not spectacular digital animation. Some of the visual designs seem a little off, and the fluidity is a bit janky in some action scenes. But it's mostly a great series to look at.

Only five episodes are currently available, with the other five of the first season coming after the first of the year in 2022. Here's hoping it keeps up the quality, and doesn't fall into the abysmal storytelling traps that Star Trek Discovery did.


I try to watch this once a year around Christmas time. It is one of the great underrated TV Christmas specials, based on a children's book by J. Otto Seibold and first premiering in 1999. The story is that Olive, a dog with a heart of gold (is there any other kind though, really?) mishears Santa say he needs 'all of' the other reindeer when one of his sleigh-pullers breaks a leg. So she's off on an odyssey to the North Pole to fill in and save Christmas.

This cartoon gushes with pure whimsy and charm. There's puns everywhere, with great humor with the noble Olive and her shyster penguin companion Martini, as they meet very colorful characters on the way to the North Pole and try to foil a comically villainous mailman. It's just great stuff. But what people most remember about this special is its visual style, with greatly abstracted character designs that look like the love children of Picasso and Dr. Seuss. But in a good way! It has some of the stiffness one would expect of computer animation from the late-90s, but the visual designs are so stylized that for the most part it works well for the story even today.

The special is available freely on Youtube the last I checked, and probably elsewhere. Hope you check it out!


Posted by plucas - November 24th, 2021

It's been about a month, so I think it's safe for me to say that may Patreon Page is active again, with me posting stuff there fairly consistently. Check it out! My patron tiers are super cheap! Kind of like me! =p


I'm super grateful for the patrons who have been supporting my work through the site all along regardless of whether I posted stuff there or not. All that art and writing I do that people seem to like is thanks in no small part to them. It's part of the reason why I want to give them some more exclusive content when I can.

My basic plan at the moment is that the Patreon Page will mostly be home to sketches and inked pics plus story excerpts from WIP, as well as some exclusive color pics that will premiere there first about a month before I do the same on mainstream sites like DeviantArt or Twitter. There will be exceptions of course, and I'll just play things by ear.



Posted by plucas - June 20th, 2021

Just a refresher for all those who might have missed the original round of posts last week. I'm running a NEW XXX-rated YCH Commission Sale!

Breed any of three exotic and enthusiastic pregnant females, ranging from small (a sassy Fantasy Dwarf), medium (an affectionate Foxgirl), or large (a teasing dragoness)! Here a link to the original ad:

Plus more detailed up close versions of each option are available in my gallery!

-- $25 per commission

-- Poses are locked in.

-- Flat color style only.

-- Inserted character can be ANY race, gender, or sex, in any costume or lack thereof, with any expression you want. They just have to more or less fit the pose.

-- Inserted character's size can be adjusted up or down, within reason.

-- Add Cum to face, boobs, and/or belly for +$5

-- Add Milk squirting or leaking from boobs +$5

-- Add costume or armor for female for +$5 to $15, depending on complexity

-- Add detailed background for +$5 to $15, depending on complexity

-- Payment via Paypal. Payment MUST be cleared and received before work begins.

-- May take up to a few weeks or months, depending on how many apply.

-- The usual restrictions -- no underage characters, no bestiality, no scat, urine, excessive gore, etc

-- Sale ends 6/27/21 (Sunday, June 27) at midnight

Contact me via PM on this site or via email at plucas1@hotmail.com

More detailed versions of the templates pictures will be posted separately on their own soon!

- - -

Check out my awesome ebooks for sale! Erotica, scifi, fantasy, and more!

On Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/plucas

On Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Paul-Lucas/e/B007Q0NO7S

- - -

Follow me on Twitter!



Posted by plucas - May 17th, 2021

It’s been a while since I did a round up of different animated things I’ve watched recently, so here's my thought on some of my recent consumption:


Starting off on a high note. This is a GREAT series. The first couple of episodes were shaky here and there, but it quickly found it’s footing and rolled into this very clever comedy series that also fits pretty neatly into established ST continuity. I started out hating Mariner, the main female character, who despite some Mary Sue-esque trappings grew into a complex and very interesting character. Boimler, her hapless foil, kinda-maybe love interest, and the butt of a disproportionate amount of jokes on the show, also grew to be likable and interesting by the final episode. My only real complaint is the show definitely needs more episodes. Ten was not enough.

(On a side note here, Lower Decks’ sister show, Star Trek: Discovery, which I finally watched in the last few months, is more than a little mediocre. The ideas and characters are mostly fine, but the writing, especially the dialog, is gawd awful. Like, Anakin-whining-about-sand awful. But its most wretched sin has to be its main character, Michael Burnham, who is an honest-to-Roddenberry for-real Mary Sue escaped from someone’s tenth-grade fan fiction and somehow ended up the lead on a major scifi show. Just an awfully written character all around. And why is she always whispering?)


This was one of the prototypes for modern Isekai anime, a show that ran four seasons between 2006 and 2012, based on a series of light novels. In a fantasy world, Louise, the worst student at a Harry-Potter-esque school for magic, tries a spell to summon a familiar, and ends up with a very confused teen-age boy from modern-day Japan. What ensues is an echi harem comedy mixed with a bunch of light fantasy adventure.

The individual episodes are a mixed bag, ranging from pretty darn good to meh, but over all it’s an enjoyable romp of a show. Louise is an uber-tsundere, and Saito is unremarkable but a likable enough male lead. They do have amusing enough interplay as they inadvertently go around saving kingdoms and whatnot. It’s an echi anime aimed at teenagers, so there’s an abundance of oops-I’m-naked moments and booby jokes, a little too much imho but it didn’t kill my overall enjoyment of the show. I did also really like the neat through-line of Earth technology occasionally showing up in the fantasy world as feared magic weapons that usually end up saving the day in Saito’s hands.

One thing I really have to give this series credit for is that it 100% stuck its landing despite the rocky road to get there. The very last three episodes pop and crackle along skillfully with building tension, twists, and serious emotional moments. And when Saito swoops in at the last moment to save Louise from certain doom, despite the huge stretch of logic to get him there, you’re cheering anyway because the moment is so darn COOL.

A good show to watch if you just want turn your brain off for some light romcom fantasy adventure.


Now onto an American Isekai TV series, done by Disney. Fourteen-year-old Luz stumbles through a magic door into the fantasy world of The Boiling Isles, a land in another dimension apparently carved from the body of a fallen titan. There, she’s taken under the wing of an outlaw witch named Eda and tries to become a witch herself.

A lot less naughty than THE FAMILIAR OF ZERO (though Eda is kind of hot), but IMHO is a lot funnier and a lot more imaginative. Not to knock the anime, which was enjoyable in its own right, but this is a show by the top animation studio in the world firing on all cylinders. Every episode pops with genuinely laugh-out-loud comedy and throwaway fantasy ideas lesser studios could make entire series out of. The focus here is on the funny, but there’s also a bunch of intriguing plots and good characters to be found, especially a budding teen-age romance in the latter half of the first season that is so innocently adorable it’s hard to describe. Only one season is out now, but others are in the works, and I can'’ wait to see more.


I started this essay with a high note, and am now ending with an even higher one.

Cartoon Saloon is an Irish animation studio that never put out a bad film yet. In fact, all four of its feature films are must-watches for any animation or fantasy fan, and its most recent is it’s best yet.

In the year 1650, an Irish settlement occupied by the English (there is a long sordid history between Ireland and England during that period, btw, which is good reading on its own but also gives the film some added dimension if you know the history) is having trouble with wolves in the surrounding wilderness. But these aren’t just ordinary wolves. Among them are Wolfwalkers, magical folk who can manifest wolf bodies when they sleep. An English girl, Robyn, the daughter of a huntsman, has an encounter with one that alters the course of her life and the lives of all those around her.

This is a hands-down masterpiece. I really liked Pixar’s SOUL, but this film was just a few slivers better and truly deserved the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature this year.

In some ways it was difficult to watch for me, as I got so invested emotionally in the characters that it cranked up the intensity of some scenes to the point it was almost unbearable. But of course, that just made the catharsis that came with the films’ resolutions all the more satisfying. Plus WOLFWALKERS also featured that unique visual style Cartoon Saloon has used in its other features, which work very well to convey both its dark fair-tale like quality and verisimilitude of its 17th century setting. Seize any chance you have to watch this one, you won’t regret it.



Posted by plucas - March 1st, 2021

[b]NEW[/b] YCH Commission Sale!

Two powerful males enjoying the fruits of their conquest -- your character! One a primal barbarian, the other a forceful dragon prince.

Link to the template pictures:

Barbarian: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/40783625/

Dragon: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/40783783/

-- $25 per commission

-- Poses are locked in.

-- Flat color style only.

-- Inserted character can be ANY race, gender, or sex, in any costume or lack thereof, with any expression you want. They just have to more or less fit the pose.

-- The male's hand can be adjusted so that instead of hair, he can be grabbing a collar, a leash, a shirt, or what have you, or can just be holding the Taker's upper chest

-- Add Cum for $5 per body region

-- Add costume or armor for male for $5 - $15, depending on complexity

-- Add detailed background for $5 - $15, depending on complexity

-- Payment via Paypal. Payment MUST be cleared and received before work begins.

-- May take up to a few weeks or months, depending on how many apply.

-- The usual restrictions -- no underage characters, no bestiality, no scat, urine, excessive gore, etc

-- Sale ends 3/7/21

Contact me via PM on this site or via email at plucas1@hotmail.com

- - -

Follow me on Twitter!



Posted by plucas - January 7th, 2021

Just a summary of what's going on with the commission sale pics:

Original Ad:



-- Lomi De Puzlo - PAID

-- Lomi De Puzlo - PAID

-- Sootylion - PAID

-- Gilded Tongue - PAID

-- Winterbeast - PAID

-- Last Protocol - PAID

-- D. Dragon - PAID

-- Glitterboy2098 - PAID

-- Mr. Shy - PAID

-- Gthulhu - PAID

-- Gthulhu - PAID

-- Yami - PAID

-- Elephant Boy - PAID

-- Unnamed Client

-- CodeDawn57

-- D. Dragon

-- D. Dragon

Commissions will be worked in order that they were reserved & paid. There is no rush on payment, and the commission slot will be held as long as you'd like. But that being said, be aware I also can't move ahead with a commission until payment is received.

I'm hoping to get everyone's pencil sketches done first before I move on to do doing the inks and colors en masse.

Thanks everyone! Hope you're enjoying the pictures so far. = )

-- PL


Posted by plucas - December 27th, 2020

In case you missed the ad in the gallery, I'm having another sale on colored single-character commissions until the evening of 12/27/20. Just $20 each!

A few more details:

-- Any gender, sex, race, or amount of naughtiness welcome!

-- Simple props and costumes welcome as well

-- Flat colors

-- Abstract color bg only

-- Payment via Paypal

-- May take up to a few weeks

-- Usual restrictions apply--no underage characters, no bestiality, no scat, urine, excessive gore, etc

-- Sale ends midnight 12/27/20

Contact me via PM on this site or via email at plucas1[at]hotmail.com

Original Ad:

COMMISSION SLOT QUEUE (some are tentative so far)

-- Elephant Boy

-- Lomi De Puzlo - PAID

-- Lomi De Puzlo - PAID

-- Sootylion - PAID

-- Gilded Tongue - PAID

-- Winterbeast - PAID

-- Last Protocol - PAID

-- D. Dragon - PAID

-- Glitterboy2098 - PAID

-- Unnamed Client

-- Mr. Shy

-- CodeDawn57

-- Gthulhu

-- Gthulhu

-- D. Dragon

-- D. Dragon

Commissions will be worked in order that they were received & paid. Work on the commissions will start in earnest once the sales end. Reserve your slot today!


Posted by plucas - December 21st, 2020

In case you missed the ad in the gallery, I'm having another sale on colored single-character commissions until the evening of 12/27/20. Just $20 each!

A few more details:

-- Any gender, sex, race, or amount of naughtiness welcome!

-- Simple props and costumes welcome as well

-- Flat colors

-- Abstract color bg only

-- Payment via Paypal

-- May take up to a few weeks

-- Usual restrictions apply--no underage characters, no bestiality, no scat, urine, excessive gore, etc

-- Sale ends 12/27/20

Contact me via PM on this site or via email at plucas1[at]hotmail.com

Original Ad:


-- Elephant Boy

-- Lomi De Puzlo - PAID

-- Lomi De Puzlo - PAID

-- Sootylion - PAID

-- Gilded Tongue - PAID

-- Winterbeast - PAID

-- Last Protocol - PAID

-- D. Dragon - PAID

-- Glitterboy2098 - PAID

-- Unnamed Client

-- ES Lewds

The commissions will start in earnest once the sales end. Reserve your slot today!


Posted by plucas - August 14th, 2020

Last chance to get in on the YCH Commission Sale! At midnight EST tonight (8/14/20) I'll no longer be taking orders for it.

You can find the details of it at the following links:

Here's the takers so far. If they're listed more than once it just means they paid for more than one commission


Lolo de Puzlo





David Ewell

David Ewell




Lolo de Puzlo


David Ewell

David Ewell



The commissions will be done more or less in the order I received them. I will probably won't start the actual drawing of them until the sale formally ends, and it will probably take a few weeks before the first is finished. Again, if you're interested in taking part, feel free to let me know before the deadline!= )


Posted by plucas - June 16th, 2020

In case you missed the ad in the gallery, I'm having a sale on colored single-character commissions until the evening of 6/19/20. Now just $20!

A few more details:

-- Flat colors & simple, abstract bg only

-- Payment via Paypal

-- May take up to a few weeks

-- Usual restrictions apply--no underage characters, no bestiality, no scat, urine, excessive gore, etc

-- Any gender, sex, race, or amount of naughtiness welcome!

-- Sale ends 6/19/20

Contact me via PM on this site or via email at plucas1[at]hotmail.com

Original Ad:


Moss151k - PAID

Marmelmm - PAID

Darmalus - PAID

PJToon75 - PAID

CodeDawn57 - PAID



Elephantboy - PAID

Charles M. - PAID

Elephantboy - PAID

Elephantboy - PAID

Lolo De Puzlo - PAID

Lolo De Puzlo - PAID

Lupint - PAID

D.Dragon - PAID

was1 - PAID

was1 - PAID
