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plucas's News

Posted by plucas - 2 weeks ago

If you are an artist and still on Xitter, GET OFF IT NOW!

Muskrat and his goon squad have added a "recreate this with Grok" (Xitter's crap AI) button on all images on the site, including original artwork, in clear violation of copyright. They are also mislabeling real artwork as being made with AI.

Artists posting work on the site are being nakedly ripped off without permission or compensation, even more than they were before. Even without all the hateful RW politics I can't see how any creative can view that site anymore as anything other than outrightly hostile to you and your work.

#xitter #art #ai


Posted by plucas - 3 weeks ago

I was an early adopter of Blue Sky--joined back in 2023--and I haven't had a single regret, unlike with some OTHER social media hellscapes that I won't mention *coughxitterfacebookcough*. There's NO algorithms as far as I can see, everything is open source and done via interactions with other actual people, and toxic troublemakers are actually blocked or booted. It's nice and growing pretty fast, with about 32 millons users so far.

Mastodon is similar, but less well known, likely because it's more federated and was slower to adopt a pseudo-Twitter interface everyone was used to.  It's still very active depending on the server you join (mastodon.social is the most popular) with about 9 million total users.

Plus best of all, there are tons of creators to follow on both platforms--artists, writers, musicians, etc. Follow me and others on both platforms!





Posted by plucas - November 30th, 2024

Deactivated my account with Elon's toxic bot farm after some delay, mostly to make sure various clients and followers saw the various posts I made to follow me on different sites.

It is too bad, as Twitter was a decent site for a good many years. I joined in 2013, but didn't start really using it until 2017, and it turned out to be quite valuable in advertising books and my art for little cost. Then the Patron Saint of Enshittification bought it out and it went into a long, slow death spiral of escalating bigotry, RW bullshit, and worshipping algorithms.  I thought I could hang on and just use it for book/art promotion, but engagement on most of my posts dropped 90% or more, and most of that seemed to be bots.

There were still a few humans who followed and engaged, so thanks for that, fellow organics. But it finally became too much.

For social media, you guys can still find me on BLUE SKY and MASTODON!



If people have any other decent social media sites they can recommend, especially maybe non-US ones, let me know. I might be interested!



Posted by plucas - November 7th, 2024

Just a reminder to follow me on Blue Sky!


I would like to get a lot more followers and follow a lot more interesting people (especially from this site) there. It's probably the best social media site at the moment, and I'd like to see it prosper and use it a lot more.

I'll still be on the hellscape bot wasteland Xitter, but I plan on using that mostly just to advertise books. I'm also on Mastodon Social ( https://mastodon.social/@plucas1 ) and Mastodon.art ( https://mastodon.art/@plucas ) but truthfully I haven't really gotten into using those as much yet.



Posted by plucas - June 6th, 2024

I only just became aware of this new artist-friendly social media app/website and made a profile in the last two days, which you can find here:


And I only became aware of it because there was a HUGE wave of artists migrating to it from Instagram over the last week. Apparently the main reason was Instagram's very heavy handed new policy of insisting that every image posted to its plaform is going to be scraped for its AI algorithm, whether the artist approves or not. Apparently there is a nominal opt-out option, but it's buggy, deliberately convoluted, and not available in all countries--including the US. I abandoned Instagram late last year, so this didn't affect me personally--though I'm sure they'll happily still use any of my images they might still have in their database from me--but I can100% understand the Instagram artists community's outrage and desire to find something better.

Enter Cara, which was created by an artist to be a more ethical alternative to Instagram, and functions like it. It's still in a developmental stage, and was taken by surprise by the HUGE surge of new users in the last few weeks, which was around 500,000 the last I saw. So it is buggy, and they're still haveing trouble with funding and scaling, but I'm hoping they can get through that and it eventually becomes an industry staple. By all means join if you want (and follow me there as well, of course) but if you can try and give them a donation when you do to help them along if you can afford it, even if it is only a few dollars.


Posted by plucas - June 3rd, 2024

I really should let people know once in a while what projects I'm currently working on, especially as far as writing, since those can usually take months or more to complete.

So, not including any current commissions, of which there are also a few:

-- HOT ROBOT GIRLS: A new stand alone scifi erotica book, The story involves a lone survivor of a devastating attack on a future Mars surviving with the help of a pair of robots. About 10K words or about 30% finished.

-- HOT RAPTOR GIRLS: An erotica sequel set in the HOT DINO GIRLS universe, focusing on Tuscan and the two Raptor Girl merchants Jirollo and Pirollo. Will reprint the two stories featuring them from Hot Dino Girls 5 & 6, as well as two new short stories, one of which will be novella-length. The big story is two-thirds finished.

-- HOT GOBLIN GIRLS: THE SIEGE OF STONEFLASK KEEP: The Seventh book in the HOT GOBLIN GIRLS fantasy erotic series, and will likely wrap up a bunch of storylines began in earlier books. The story involves the group visiting the Stoneflask Keep brewery to confront the father of Hemlock's child, only to have it attacked by an old foe.  The first draft is about half finished.

-- ZINNIA SASSAFRASS AND THE BATTLE OF BEDLAM BRIDGE (+ ZINNIA AFTER DARK: BEDLAM):  The sequel which will involve another siege, this time of a whole city, with Zinnia and a handful of refugees barricading themselves from two different armies on a bridge that houses a bunch of brothels and taverns, ala the old rl London Bridge. The After Dark version will be the erotica version of the mainstream story. Still in the planning/outline stage.

-- CREATURA and THE SHATTERED SKY Paperback Editions. These are long overdue, and I hope to have them out by Fall.

-- ART COMMISSIONS: For the first time in ages I only have one art commission at the moment, involving sexy gryphon girls. So if anyone is interested in one, let me know, I'm wide open for these atm.

There are of course a huge list of other projects I want to get to down the road, but they're just notions and vague plans at the moment. Hopefully I'll be able to update this list as things go along.


Posted by plucas - March 11th, 2024

Given the, let's say, cultural interests me and my followers on here share, I thought many of you would be interested in a great little independent animated short I found on youtube, featuring a clueless cat and a magical burlesque show. It's very well done with good humor, smooth animation, and great character design. Definitely one for fans of curves and callipygian connoisseurs!




Posted by plucas - January 2nd, 2024

Things have settled down since my bit of a crisis in November. Damage was done, especially to my wallet, but things have mostly recovered.

I still cannot access my Facebook accounts, and doubt i ever will now. It's not a great loss, but it's still very annoying that the accounts and the money were stolen from me, and both Facebook/Meta and Paypal didn't do jack shit about it because they're unregulated and their customer 'service' is a bunch of self-recursive algorithms and chatbots. When I was actually able to talk to a person, like at my bank, progress was made and I got some money back, but good luck trying to do that with Meta or Paypal.

Speaking of Paypal, I can use it again. However, if you hire me for writing or art commissions, and you have an alternative means of payment like Western Union or Amazon Pay or Zelle or things like that, let me know and if I don't already have it I'll make arrangements. ANY viable alternative to Paypal, who screwed me over, is preferable. However, if Paypal (and its mobile subsidiary Venmo) is all you have, that's fine too. I'll grit my teeth and use it.


I am raising prices a bit on my commissions. This is not me being greedy or trying to bilk anyone, its just the price of everything else keeps going up and I have to raise my own prices to keep making a living. It won't be a huge leap, but I'm not sure exactly how much yet. There are several of you who've negotiated for commissions right before New Years, so for you I'll keep the prices for those particular commission at the old levels.


I am now openly offering my services as a professional ghost writer for full-length novels and such. I have 58 novels under my belt so far ( a quick listing: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Paul-Lucas/author/B007Q0NO7S? ) with more on the way. I have been doing writing and book commissions privately for a while. I am very confident that I know what I'm doing as far as prose, plot, character, and so on. Fees will be negotiated on a per job basis, but be aware this is not cheap--full-length novels take months to do at the very least. We're talking low four figures for even a relatively short book of about 25K words. But if you do have those kinds of resources, and you always had an idea you'd like to see fully come to life, let me know. I'll put together a professional and compelling book-length story for you. Most subject matter, including erotic and adult material, is welcome.


I'm going to try my hand at adoptables. Not that I expect to make tons of money but I have a hankering to do creative character designs, and I figure that's a good way to indulge in it with some monetary gain to help motivate me. I used to do something similar when I did physical media erotic art for auction way back when.  I'll probably sell a few, not sell a bunch of others, and scratch that creative itch. I'll start off by selling a few on Deviant Art, a few on FurAffinity, maybe a few on toyhouse, just to see what might work best for me. If anyone had afvice for this sort of thing let me know. Thanks!


Posted by plucas - November 30th, 2023

Just noticed I've been 'unscouted' again. This is the second time this has happened in the 5 years I've been uploading art onto Newgrounds. I think this latest might have happened during the last site update a month or two ago.

I understand the system is designed as a type of quality control for newcomers, but come on, I've been a member for 18 years, and active contributor for 5+, and have about 650 artworks on display here. there should be a way for artists like myself could safeguard against such a thing happening,

Anyway, if anyone has any idea how to restore my scouty-ness, let me know. Thanks!

Posted by plucas - November 19th, 2023

So friday i discovered that someone had hacked into my new-ish business facebook page, Paul Lucas Writing And Art, and accessed the ad account there. They set up a fradulent ad campaign to the tune of a $299/day limit over the past week and drained all the money I had in the attached paypal account. I since blocked facebook's access to my paypal and I contacted Meta customer service and they said they would look into it.

Unfortunately, I logged into the account this morning, saw that a new credit card was attached to it. I was immediately kicked out of my account and was locked out despite everything I tried. Worse yet, my email attached to it was apparently hacked too, because every communication I had with Meta was missing and unrecoverable. I spent most of the afternoon changing passwords everywhere. I can't get to their customer help without logging on, and trying both phone and email have turned up nothing so far.

I'd just accept the loss, but those facebook pages are still up and being used by the hackers, and I don't know what's going on with them. I've exhausted everything I cna think of to do at this point. If anyone has any suggesions, I'll listen